Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Data risk from photocopiers

Few people will be aware that photocopiers do not contain any data erasing capacity, which would protect their personal details. i.e. Almost every photocopier used at this point, and used in the past had a hard disk drive which stored the images copied over its life. When a photocopier is sold or returned to a leasing company, any data stored on it can be used by criminal interests. Little effort is being made to erase the HDD or remove and destroy it before these machines are sold. In fact they end up being sold to the third world, where important private details can be misused. Consider the following:
1. Use of personal HIV medical records to extort money
2. Use of bank account, social security numbers, passport to commit identity fraud
3. Use of your passport to make fraudulent passports.
4. Use of credit card details to make unauthorised payments

See the story here.